Custom Templates


What It Is

The applicatons generated by DB AppMaker use Ionic Framework and Angular. Ionic apps are made of high-level building blocks called Components, which allow you to quickly construct the UI for your app.

Each page of the app has a HTML template. By default, DB AppMaker will automatically create the HTML template (*.html) for the table based on the selected fields for the page (see Field Setup). However, you can also provide your own Custom Templates to replace specific content of a page.

Note Do not confuse Custom Template (which is a table level setting within a project) with customizing the whole template zip file. If you want to customize the whole generated app or customize something for all tables and all projects, you should customize the template zip file, see Customizing Template.


How to Use

To enter your Custom Template, perform the following steps:

  1. Select the table in the database pane,
  2. Select the Code tab,
  3. Scroll down the treeview (or collapse the TypeScript node), select what you want to customize node under the HTML node (see below for details),
  4. Enter your Custom Template in the editor,
  5. Generate and run your app again.


What to Replace
Menu The side menu (<ion-menu> element)
Toolbar The top toolbar (<ion-toolbar> element)
Content The page content (<ion-list> element) 
SCSS for the settings page
Toolbar The top toolbar (<ion-toolbar> element)
Logo The large logo in the page
Content The page content (<ion-list> element) 
Buttons The buttons at the bottom of the page (<ion-row> element) 
SCSS for the login page
Toolbar The top toolbar (<ion-toolbar> element)
Content The page content (<ion-list> element) 
Buttons The buttons at the bottom of the page (<ion-row> element) 
SCSS for the login page
*add.html Add Page of the table
Toolbar The top toolbar (<ion-toolbar> element)
Content The page content (<ion-list> element) 
Buttons The buttons at the bottom of the page (<ion-row> element) 
SCSS for the page
*edit.html Edit Page of the table
Toolbar The top toolbar (<ion-toolbar> element)
Content The page content (<ion-list> element) 
Buttons The buttons at the bottom of the page (<ion-row> element) 
SCSS for the page
*list.html List Page of the table
Toolbar The top toolbar (<ion-toolbar> element)
Content The page content (<ion-list> element) 
SCSS for the page
*view.html View Page of the table
Toolbar The top toolbar (<ion-toolbar> element)
Content The page content (<ion-list> element) 
SCSS for the page
*.html Custom File
Toolbar The top toolbar (<ion-toolbar> element)
Content The page content (<ion-list> element) 
SCSS for the page
TIP You can build the HTML quickly by generating a version with the default template first, then customize the *.html in the generated script. When done, copy and paste the HTML to above and save in the project.


Example 1 - Custom Template in List page

<ion-thumbnail slot="start" *ngIf="item.Picture.url">
    <ion-img src]="item.Picture.listUrl | authFile | async"></ion-img>
<h2>{{ item.Model.value }}</h2>
<p class="field-value">
    <span class="field-caption">{{ '' | translate }}</span>
    <span>{{ item.Trademark.value }}</span>
<p class="field-value">
    <span class="field-caption">{{ '' | translate }}</span>
    <span>{{ item.Price.value }}</span>

  1. Use item to represent a record in the List page,
  2. To get the field value, use item.<FieldName>.value,
  3. For fields with IMAGE View Tag (see Field Setup), get the URL by item.<FieldName>.listUrl,
  4. To get the translated field caption, use {{ '__tables.<TableName>.fields.<FieldName>.caption' | translate }}, where <TableName> and <FieldName> are the variable name of the table and the field. In most cases they are the same as the table and field names in the databases, but there are some exceptions, see Tools -> Table and Field Variable Names.

The result:


Example 2 - Custom Template in View page

<p class="field-value"><span class="field-caption">{{ '' | translate }}</span><span>{{ row.Trademark.value }}</span></p>
<p class="field-value"><span class="field-caption">{{ '' | translate }}</span><span>{{ row.Model.value }}</span></p>
<p class="field-value"><span class="field-caption">{{ '' | translate }}</span><span>{{ row.HP.value }}</span></p>
<p class="field-value"><span class="field-caption">{{ '' | translate }}</span><span>{{ row.Liter.value }}</span></p>
<p class="field-value"><span class="field-caption">{{ '' | translate }}</span><span>{{ row.Cyl.value }}</span></p>
<p class="field-value"><span class="field-caption">{{ '' | translate }}</span><span>{{ row.TransmissSpeedCount.value }}</span></p>
<p class="field-value"><span class="field-caption">{{ '' | translate }}</span><span>{{ row.TransmissAutomatic.value }}</span></p>
<p class="field-value"><span class="field-caption">{{ '' | translate }}</span><span>{{ row.MPG_City.value }}</span></p>
<p class="field-value"><span class="field-caption">{{ '' | translate }}</span><span>{{ row.MPG_Highway.value }}</span></p>
<p class="field-value"><span class="field-caption">{{ '' | translate }}</span><span>{{ row.Category.value }}</span></p>
<p innerHTML]="row.Description.value"></p>
<p class="field-value"><span class="field-caption">{{ '' | translate }}</span><span>{{ row.Price.value | currency }}</span></p>


  1. Unlike List page, use row to represent the record in the View/Edit/Add page,
  2. To get the field value, use row.<FieldName>.value,
  3. For fields with IMAGE View Tag (see Field Setup), get the URL by row.<FieldName>.viewUrl,
  4. To get the translated field caption, use {{ '__tables.<TableName>.fields.<FieldName>.caption' | translate }}.

The result:



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